Join the ultimate membership community for Christian women entrepreneurs, creatives, and influencers to effectively advance the Kingdom of God & build profitable Kingdom businesses in the digital space and era.
Aside from learning the marketing and sales aspects of building a business and digital space, we often experience long seasons of purpose and identity shifting alongside deliverance and healing to stand confidently in your Kingdom assignment.
Finding it difficult to remain consistent and focused but wants to take your business and brand to the next level
Struggling to make money even though God has placed transformative programs, courses, and business ideas in your mind
Don’t know how to grow or launch your brand or digital space platforms or services
Lacking the accountability and community to support your entrepreneurial and digital space dreams
this is for you.
Meet the founder of
God gave me a dream back in 2019, to equip and empower my fellow Christian women to pursue their purposes as God’s daughters and live in the abundant freedom He has given. I was to do it through writing content.
What happened after was a long wilderness and waiting season. I’ve been influenced by worldly standards of doing business. I became an anxious and stressed girl just trying to obey the Lord and launch a business and ministry His way.
Late 2020, I finally had a breakthrough. What started as being a part time Instagram coach for other Christian women entrepreneurs became a full-time business which is now known as She Strategy Co.
In Mid-2023, the Holy Spirit gave her a specific mandate to raise up this generation of Christian women women entrepreneurs, creatives, and influencers to advance God’s Kingdom in the digital space and era.
Working to see God’s dream business outworked on earth is not easy. There are spiritual warfare, mental mindset shifts, and emotional healing that needs to take place. That’s why the waiting season is crucial for every believer.
You don’t have to grow your Kingdom business alone. You actually should not do it alone.
Let’s grow together.
"The sisterhood & community I prayed for so deeply when I realized that I was being led by the hustle ghost in my business!"
Thank you so so much, Jenna Christy (and the ladies) for being obedient!
I was so blessed by the prophetic journaling sesh last night and we have several calls a week (combining business, Bible, Kingdom building, prophetic+prayer calls!) .. if you're craving community - this is a very intimate group and the leaders will pour love & life on you! There's nothing like this. DON'T DO THIS SPIRITUAL BATTLE ALONE
- rowena bolo
"I’ve met other ladies who have gone through the same season, and have become my cheerleaders and support in this journey."
I found myself lost in this wilderness season. I don’t understand what’s happening, why the wait for the next opportunity seems to be so long, and why God seems to be silent. Through Jenna, I understand there are still parts of me that needs emotional healing, I learned I must renew my mind to what God says in His word about me and above all to seek Jesus first.
Presently, the Lord also open an opportunity for me to work together with one of our Kingdom entrepreneurs in her business
- trisha santos
Prayers are weapons for His Kingdom to come on earth as it is heaven, which is one of the reasons why we pursue our Kingdom assignment.
From sales, marketing, to Biblical womanhood and studies, everything is designed to teach and equip you with tools for the journey in the growth of your Kingdom entrepreneurship and practical skills.