Are you a serious kingdom woman entrepreneur called to build God's kingdom and impact the world through your businesses and offers?

If you could have a one-on-one mentor and a launch strategist as your consultant for a year who can help you launch multiple businesses and projects in 90 days.

Would you finally feel confident pursuing God's call in your life?

you’re in the right place. 

Yes! That's Me!

Here’s why DIY-ing your way to creating Kingdom wealth and businesses will not work.

DIY connotates doing it yourself. Do you seriously believe building businesses God's way can be done individually?

God called us to partner with Him and to involve asking other people for help, to be able to bring His specific assignment for your life on earth as it is in heaven.

No! it cannot.

You've tried producing offers and starting businesses before but nothing has worked the way you believe it should be. 


And people have called you ambitious and proud. 

Maybe, there was a time you were arrogant about it. Like Joseph was when he had a dream and foolishly shared it to his brothers before it was time.

But now, you sense in the spirit that it is time.

Truth be told, you're ready.

You're excited to use your gifts and talents to genuinely serve the ones God has called you to serve, that lights you up more than anything. It's the Holy Spirit's call to your purpose that's driving you with much fire in your belly.

You’ve always known God called you to something more.

Lastly, you have so many brilliant God-ideas and can pool the investment for the business, but you are full of excuses.

Let’s be real, these are some of the reasons you can admit today that it has never worked yet before:

You did it on your own without God.

Wrong timing.

You don't have online tech and marketing expertise to get the work done on time and with excellence

You are consistently stuck with growth

You lacked consistency and motivation.

You weren't wise with your investments and cash flows.

You carried the lack and orphan mindset.

You weren't equipped for spiritual warfare.

Here are 5 freeing truths you’ve gotta realise if you want to build Kingdom wealth.

Absolutely not! I’m a big believer that God has given us as His children the purpose to advance His Kingdom, stewardship and ownership of all His given us. Tracing it all back to the Garden of Eden, the purpose God gave Adam was to name all the animals and plants and have dominion over His creation, and to be fruitful and multiply. The Bible also teaches us in Deuteronomy 8:18, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today." Jesus talks about the parable of the talents, and teaches us the value of sowing and investing and multiplying in His Kingdom. Building wealth is not evil if the roots are God- He gets all the glory, the purpose are His and the process are His ways.

People will not only not like you, they will probably hate you too. Too harsh? We weren't called to be liked and loved by the world, Jesus said that.

The old case of #impostersyndrome. It’s a sneaky little thing that creeps in when we’re about to do something that actually matters. Not just that, that's the fear of man- you choose to please people and care about what they think rather than the fear of the Lord- caring to obey what He's called you to do. #perspective. Plus, if God’s called you to it, does it really matter what anyone else says anyway?

I hear you girl, because I’ve been there too. I used to think that I could DIY my way to a profitable business and building wealth. We probably can to be honest, because isn't that what non-believers all around the world do? But that's pride, believing I can do it on my own. But doing that just left me feeling SO lost and anxious, especially as a Christian advancing God's Kingdom? We were not meant to do this alone! Investing in a coach helped me get to where I'm supposed to go with such ease. #acceleration God designed community and relationships. Don't choose to do it by yourself, find a mentor! — and I want that for you too.

Listen, starting a business requires investment. Starting anything requires an investment of some sort and almost always with finances. The thing you need to understand is sowing in God's Kingdom business is worth it. You can't harvest anything if you haven't sowed anything!
Also a business doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money to get off the ground, but you need to strategize with God and follow His leading. The question now is--  How will you choose to sow the gifts you've received? You get to choose.

Myth #1:

Myth #2:
People won’t like me if I put myself out there

Myth #4:
I’ll waste money if I start a business

Myth #3:
I don’t need a coach/mentor

Myth #5:
there will always be next time

Ugh, do you believe this lie? I used to! I kept telling myself, "it's okay, God's gracious and patient..." I need to take my time, start when I'm ready.

It's true! God is so patient and kind, but the reality of accepting my own excuses is disobedience and delay. Sometimes delay can be brought by the enemy, but other times, it's us! We delay God's breakthrough and move in our lives. Hear that? We cause the delay! 

Sometimes, it's not God's timing yet. You need to be able to discern that.

Jesus didn't say, "Come follow me whenever you're ready". He gave the invitation and they had to choose then and there.

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry

Habakkuk 2:3-4 NKJV

The good news is...

You can be the confident serial multi-stream income Kingdom woman entrepreneur building God's Kingdom you dream to be
more possible than you think.

coffee & Prophetic words are my jam

hey! I'm Jenna

After finishing my Theology degree in 2019, I thought I would focus on church ministry and social justice organisation work. I sort of fell into the online business world, dabbling with a Vegan blog and creating online courses. 

I had one plan, but God definitely had another! Apparently, Kingdom entrepreneurship and being a Kingdom builder was always in His plans for me!

Based off everything I’d learnt in growing my own business and running other sources of income, I created the new cle System so that others could experience this kind of kingdom lifestyle too. 

doing this allowed me to make a full-time income doing what I genuinely enjoy (and while working from home with uncombed hair, which is a huge bonus!). 

But nothing lights me up more than helping other Christian women find clarity in what they’re called to do, be financially free and build god's kingdom with it!

To date, I’ve coached dozens of other women to launching their god called dreams into profitable businesses.

And now, it’s your turn… 

So I started offering business and marketing coaching and courses that steadily grew. Eventually, I realised I was running multiple businesses and sources of income, while still pursuing full time ministry.

let's do this!

  • cle accountability signature system
        [value: $2000]
  • Business planning sesh 
        [Value: $2000]
  • Quarterly strategy + goal settings [Value: $3200] 
  • Monthly meetings 
        [Value: $12000]
  • Group monthly masterclasses 
        [Value: $2400]
  • Weekly check-ins
  • [Value: $14,400]

What you're going to get

  • BONUS 1

access to Passion2Launch: 
[Value: $5000]
Jenna's signature online course to launch your profitable business on Instagram.

  • BONUS 2 

 3-day Kingdom business retreat* tba* (accommodations + food) [Value: $3000] 

That’s a total of $44000 in VALUE!

$3000usd Full Price Today!
$333usd/month x 12 months

Apply Now!

hall of successful Kingdom entrepreneurs

do you want to be next?

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prices are in usd. upon purchase, It is to be understood that she strategy co or jenna is not responsible for your launches, business, Instagram growth and sales. Without the student’s efforts and consistency, their success is not guaranteed. The growth of each individual will vary accordingly. 30-day money back guarantee is offered within the agreed terms indicated in the faqs. unsuccessful payments will be followed up to one month. third party assistance will be consulted if not resolved between parties. Group coaching calls and assignments are strongly recommend for more immediate and visible success, but not mandatory.   NO INFORMATION/LESSONS/VIDEOS/ PRODUCTS INSIDE dreamers mentorship PROGRAM MAY BE REPRODUCED . IT IS NEVER ALLOWED TO BE SOLD. international and national COPYRIGHT LAWS ARE APPLIED. ALL RECORDED VIDEOS WITHIN THE PROGRAM ARE WITHIN THE RIGHTS OF SHE STRATEGY CO. TO BE USED FOR FUTURE TEACHINGS OR TESTIMONIALS. BY PURCHASING dreamers mentorship, INDIVIDUAL AGREES TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS plus what's stipulated in the participation or contract agreement that is effective upon first or full payment.

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