She Strategy Co


“Urgent call! Let’s flip the script and reclaim social media”



I'm a Prophetic Speaker and Kingdom Entrepreneur. My desire is to share my knowledge and experience to help you live in the freedom Jesus gave us to enjoy on this side of eternity.




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When one enters the women’s online entrepreneurial world, you are greeted by teachings of “manifest this”, zodiac signs, crystals, reiki, yoga, vibe/energy work, etc. This industry has been dominated by the spirit of the new age. God cannot be mocked! Daughters of God, there’s an urgent call for use to flip the script and reclaim social media!

This should not come as a surprise to us. If you’ve been around the online space for awhile, the chances are you’ve been exposed to the aforementioned things. How can this demonic agenda masked itself with beauty and a message of empowerment but in the end it actually drives us towards self-destruction. Fame and fortune still is the goal just dressed in 21st century fashion.

Looking back to when I first started in 2019, I was new to the online entrepreneurial space. The “girl boss” campaigns truly drew me in. As someone who’s been called to serve women, I thrived in the content I found. 

You will find phrases such as “girl boss mode”, “you got this girl!”, “girl CEO”, “female founder”, and all these other things. A lot of start up accounts and businesses would even genuinely support each other and collaborate! It honestly looked like Barbie candyland. I was immediately “home”. I felt like I had arrived.

Well that feeling lasted for a bit. 😅

Soon after, I began to see what lurked underneath the shadows. I saw many women promoting new age beliefs and at first it made me uncomfortable. My first response was just not to “use those” or be involved with them. I found leaders and teachers to follow who are not “compromised”. My belief back then (and still is), is I didn’t want to support businesses whose main agenda and message revolved around promoting these false beliefs. God was so kind to lead me to Christian coaches even when I didn’t know at first they were!

What seemed to be a harmless “this is my truth” belief, I realized, was the mainstream message in this online industry and it was disheartening. If you are not familiar with my story (I will actually have a post soon sharing that), I failed my first online course launch in 2019. Failed because no one bought my vegan course. I felt such a failure and I saw the ones who were successful were the nonChristians. It made me jealous for my people! (Christians). We’re supposed to be out here dominating and advancing God’s Kingdom, but we hide behind our fears and insecurities instead of being empowered by the One who made it all. 

I questioned God, “Why are those who promote their own egotistical gods successful in this business?”. It didn’t help that I felt so alone in the entrepreneurial journey. I had Christian friends who also were in business and doing it for the Kingdom, but no one was online. A friend referred me to a Christian woman coach from our church, but I didn’t feel aligned nor inspired by her when I didn’t see her promote her faith online. 

You know when we complain to God about something, He sometimes tells us “Well that’s why you’re there, I sent you”. It happened to me! 😆 My frustrations turned out to be signs of my passion for God and His Kingdom in the marketplace. Hence, I started campaigning for “Jesus is my ceo” to fight against the self-proclaimed ceo mindset.

In 2019 up to 2021, I embarked on a journey with the Holy Spirit where He taught me Kingdom principles in the marketplace, outside of reading books or consuming content on that. It wasn’t until January 2022 that I found a Kingdom entrepreneurship mentorship and family (100x movement) that was fully aligned with my God-given mission, and the kind of people I was looking for.

So today, girl, I know you found this blog post not by accident. I don’t believe in coincidences. You are probably drawn to build something on social media for God’s Kingdom, and if you’re being honest with yourself, it has been a tumultuous ride! You fight not only in the physical and spiritual, but also your mind and heart. 

The enemy has stolen so much from us. Not surprising since his agenda has always been “to kill, steal and destroy”. This is truly a call to redeem what is rightfully God’s. And we cannot do this alone.

How can we allow this new age movement to dominate in this space? I’ve been coaching Christian women one on one or in small groups the last 3 years to launch their businesses online. I endeavoured to teach the Kingdom message I was given. This time however is different.

I do hear the Lord saying “it is time for my daughters to arise and take their rightful place”. A few months ago, God refined His mandate to me from “equip and empower Christian women to their calling”, to “raise up this generation of Christian women content creators, influencers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs to fulfill their Kingdom assignment in the digital era”. 🥹✨

I do believe there’s going to be a new wave of movement for Christian women to dominate this space. It’s not just gonna be me, or you doing this, but many of us. 

I even heard this very powerful prophetic words from Mike Signorelli and Jeremiah Johnson, which I have pasted below, you should definitely watch it!

Now what remains is my invitation for you to join the Dream Again, free 5-day challenge event I’m hosting online on August 7 to 11 at 7pm PST. This is for us as Christian women to gather and be refreshed and encouraged to try again and pursue the Kingdom assignment God called us to do in this digital age for such a time as this.

Dream again challenge

Like me in 2019, many have been disappointed from failures, felt alone in the journey, distracted by the many shiny things and ⚠️ goals in life, but you just wanna focus and keep going and breakthrough!

Honestly, if you are a Christian woman, you should just register. It’s free, worst case, you don’t like, best case? You receive breakthroughs and meet other Christian women like you, passionate about God and the Kingdom.

Register here.

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Hi, I'm Jenna

Prophetic Speaker and Kingdom Entrepreneur. I love writing and talking about Jesus and all things Kingdom lifestyle and calling.

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